Laparoscopic Urology

laparoscopic surgery in ahmedabad

Numerous conventional urologic surgeries require huge entry points with long hospitalization and recuperation. Negligibly intrusive medical procedure, additionally regularly known as laparoscopic or keyhole medical procedure to patients, has as of late been created in the field of urologic medical procedure with the progression of building and PC innovations. Utilizing a little telescope with worked in amplification system and an assortment of long, slight careful instruments set through roughly 3-5 cuts (every one of which is typically no bigger than a dime in size), the specialist can perform insignificantly obtrusive medical procedure for an assortment of urologic infections and issues. Patients who have experienced these methodology have appreciated not just the equivalent analytic and restorative advantages of conventional open medical procedure yet additionally enormously diminished postoperative torment, shorter hospitalization, quicker recuperation, and better corrective outcomes.

Insignificantly intrusive medical procedure has been applied to a large number of benevolent (non-harmful) and dangerous (oncologic or carcinogenic) urologic issues. Besides, it has been applied to conditions influencing an assortment of urologic organs (counting kidney, adrenal organ, ureter, bladder, prostate, lymph hubs).

Our Features Services
  • Radical Nephrectomy
  • Simple Nephrectomy
  • Pyeloplasty